
In this chaotic world in which we live, In only a matter of seconds, our lives can become The scene of a multi-casualty incident.

Therefore, we need to be prepared as best we can,For any scenario!

This understanding is what has led an elite group of officers, with years of experience in areas of , security counterterrorism, intelligence, cyber and security consulting in the Israeli Defense, Forces and from other Israeli security and intelligence bodies, to establish PSI – Protection, Security, Intelligence. PSI is a consulting company aimed at making anti-terrorism defense and security methodologies accessible to civilian and community bodies in the USA, with the intention of preventing the next security threat from happening. These methodologies have proven to be very useful methods throughout all the years of the existence of Israel – a state surrounded by enemies.


The People of PSI – Your Peace of Mind

All of us – every member and consultant of PSI, has been personally, tactically and strategically

involved in hundreds of cases involving security breaches and counterterrorism acts – things that are better left unsaid..


Our services include:

● The analysis and diagnosis of security objects, including the location of weak spots.

● Threat analysis mapping and background checks of all relevant individuals.

● Establishing a security strategy plan.

● The combination of technology, intelligence and cyber technologies.

● Routine employee training, which includes training for active emergency protection.

● De-escalation techniques and escape routes.

● Establishing emergency procedure files.

● Quality assurance, drills and Security Incident Response Situations.

● 24/7 support and assistance.


PSI is committed to saving lives.

To this end, we ensure that the world’s best security consultants are available to you. We go above and beyond to make sure you are hermetically secured and protected. We maintain the secured facility’s identity, and its policies and procedures file, under absolute secrecy, while providing you with courteous and available professional services of the highest standards.

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